Support Our Work

Being a charity makes us heavily reliant on the generosity and kindness of grants, trusts and donations. These donations are what enable us to continue to do our utmost to help some of the most vulnerable women in Hull and provide the much-needed services that we do. If you’d like to help our cause by donating, you can do so via Bank Transfer or PayPal. We’re so very grateful for every donation, so thank you in advance.

Bank Transfer

You can donate to Hull Lighthouse via Bank Transfer using the details below for one-off payments, or for setting up a standing order for regular giving.

The Hull Lighthouse Project
Sort Code: 40-25-49
Account Number: 70372145

PayPal/ Card Payments

You can also donate to Hull Lighthouse via PayPal using your PayPal account, or by using your credit or debit card. Click the Donate button below to be directed to the PayPal website so you can donate safely and securely.

